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One of our partners was facing a challenge in delivering to the full conditions of the contract that their client, Specsavers, wanted from them on a specific project.

Specsavers wanted all our partner’s personnel to have some site specific training before they worked on the project.
Our partner did not feel it could finance the regular training courses needed as the size of the project grew or for contingency situations.

We solved the problem for our partner and Specsavers by developing a 'train the trainer' solution.

We arranged for our own trainers to attend a pilot site and the technical course with Specsavers.
We then created our own course, incorporating equipment supplied by our partner, where our trainers could ensure future personnel had all the very specific training that Specsavers required.

By regularly putting Cerco engineers through this course we eradicated further training costs for our partner and provided them with a robust contingency strategy that enabled them to fully deliver for Specsavers.